infoIt was only yesterday when the US Supreme Court agreed to review the controversial state legislation where Arizona will sanction businesses that employ illegal immigrants and the law also makes it a crime for illegal immigrants to be “knowingly present” in the state of Arizona, as we reported to you already.

Today, Yu, South & Associates just learned that Mark Shurtleff, Attorney General of the State of Utah, stated that he is currently working with the Mexican government on a project to create for the state of Utah a state level “guest worker pilot program,” a mini-version of the “DREAM Act” that the federal legislature has been trying for the past decade!

What’s interesting about this immigration reform development is: the program if passed into law will be a state level immigration reform act that comes into the sharp contrast in line with the similar laws of opposite effect by Arizona which is now under review by the Supreme Court. The Obama administration’s position against the Arizona law was based on the federal jurisdiction doctrine and now it would be very interesting to see how that doctrine would be applied to this new state legislature efforts attempting to fix the broken federal immigration status quo, even though it apparently appears to be in favor of the failed “DREAM” act at the federal level.

Yu, South & Associates will be watching this latest development regarding the much needed immigration reform and we will bring you the updates as the stories unfold. You can also read more details on the Utah Attorney General's remarks on this legislative program in a story reported in the Salt Lake Tribune about 5 hours ago here titled:

If you have any questions about this posting or the DREAM Act or just a general question about US immigration laws, you can email us directly at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and the experienced immigration lawyers at Yu, South & Associates will respond to your inquiries personally and promptly, usually within 24 hours, if not sooner.

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